Pura Cat Smart Water Fountain Reviews

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Pura – A Smart Water Fountain Designed For Your Cat

Ask any pet owner and he will not just narrate long tales about his pet’s habits but also how he, as the guardian, is required to bend backward and forward on innumerable issues to ensure comfort and good health. When it comes to cats, getting them to drink water is probably the most difficult task as all cat owners would unanimously agree and this is where Pura claims to make life easier for all concerned.

Designed by Noacare, a startup company hailing from Taiwan, Pura is a smart-water fountain that spurts water from a hole at the top into a bowl to facilitate drinking. Although it is not the first cat fountain meant to entice your adorable and fussy feline towards water, Pura is supposed to be an improvement on its predecessors courtesy of its ergonomic design. Added advantages are that of ease of cleaning and an intuitive interface both of which render the gadget convenient for the owner as also his four-legged charge.

Curiosity might be one of the factors which could kill a cat but unfortunately it is not the only one. A much more deadly foe is dehydration and it has been found to be particularly prevalent amongst feline species, often aggravating to more serious health issues involving the urinary system. ‘FLUTD’ is a medical condition which cats suffer from as a result of not drinking water in adequate quantities, other problems pertaining to malfunctioning of bladder and kidneys.

Why are cats so susceptible to dehydration? The answer lies in their ancestral origins – house cats as we see them today are descendants of feline species that once traversed the dry and desert terrains of this planet wherein water was a scarce commodity. Having evolved from predecessors who depended on minimal water for survival and received much of their hydration from live prey, present-day generation of cats have inherited this habit of living without having to drink lots of water. As a result, it is just a matter of time that they begin manifesting symptoms of renal failure, urethral obstruction and so on.

In such a situation, the onus is on you as the owner to motivate your cat to lap up water along with her canned meals and biscuits and this is where Pura could come in handy for you. Because cats harbor a natural proclivity towards running water, a fountain is an ideal way to grab their attention and Pura has been designed bearing this in mind. The device comes equipped with an in-built tank that needs to be filled at regular intervals so that the fountain continues to spurt clean water into the bowl.

There are several aspects that render Pura a blessing in disguise for pet owners and primary amongst these is its ergonomic design that facilitates easy cleaning and even easier drinking by the user. As far as cleaning is concerned, all that you need to do as a pet owner is to simply slide out the water container out of the device, clean it, fill it up with fresh water and fit it back into its niche. Owing to the absence of attachments like wires, clips, hooks and so on, the process is relatively free of hassles and takes minimal time.

What makes it even more user friendly is that you need not keep a tab on the water-level within the container – the moment it falls below a certain level or requires changing, there is an LED indicator that glows. Cleanliness is ensured through inclusion of a carbon filter that keeps out dirt and germs and this can also be easily changed at frequent intervals. Finicky as cats are, they would not like to go near water even at the slightest hint of it being unusual and this is the reason as to why this device comes with a carbon water filter.

Another plus point that works in favor of Pura is its ergonomic design courtesy of which cats are able to lap up water without their whiskers getting wet. It does not take rocket science to realize that cats do not possess a natural affinity towards water and this is yet another reason as to why they are prone to dehydration. A cat would rather die of thirst than approach a water source if there is even a slightest hint of it getting wet. With Pura, not only is the water clean but also placed in such a way that your cat can easily fill itself without the fear of getting wet. Once assured, your cat would no longer shy away from approaching the device at its will, thus remaining hydrated.

Probably the most distinct feature of Pura is its technology and it is described as being one of the most advanced devices courtesy of being powered by smart sensors, robotics and artificial intelligence. The purpose of this is to log data, meaning recording the amount of water that your cat must have had during the day on a flash drive that is embedded into the system. To sync the device with your cat, you would need to put a collar round the feline’s neck and ensure that it is loaded with a tiny ID card. As a consequence of this, the device is able to detect the presence of the cat if the animal is anywhere within 8 cm and thus record the amount of water that has been drunk.

This information is then conveyed to you on your iOS or Android device via Bluetooth technology in form of calculators, charts, tips and reminders. On your part, you can interpret the data and thus keep track of your cat’s drinking habits. Given the statistical proof that cats tend to drink 30% more water from Pura than they do from other fountains, it naturally follows that you can invest in multiple Pura devices and place them in different parts of the house. In this way, your pet could keep drinking water throughout the day and enjoy good health and well being.

In addition, Pura is also capable of distinguishing between cats and keeps individual track record for each of them. Likewise, any change in pattern of the particular cat is also immediately detected and notified to the owner so that appropriate steps could be taken.

Delivery for Pura is likely to begin by April, 2016 but currently Indiegogo has placed a current target of $100,000 on it with early bird offers pledging $129 and inclusive of two collar tags.

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